Ukrainian agricultural exports up 19% over year

Open source

Ukrainian agricultural exports in 2019 amounted to USD 22.2 billion, which is 19% more than in 2018. This was reported by the Ukrainian Agribusiness Club (UCAB).

The import of agricultural products grew by 14% and amounted to USD 5.7 billion. In general, the foreign trade balance of agricultural products amounted to USD 16.5 billion.

In 2019, the share of agricultural products in the structure of total exports amounted to 44% (against 39% in 2018), while in the structure of imports it took 10% (against 9% in 2018).

In terms of the structure of goods, export of crop products increased the most – by 31% or USD 3 billion. In particular, corn export grows by 49% or USD 1.7 billion, finished food products – by 7% or USD 202.9 million.

As The Journalist reported, Hong Kong requires eggs exported from Ukraine does not contain antibiotics.

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