Acting Energy Minister: Electricity import from Russia, Belarus cost USD 186m to Ukraine

Open source

According to the calculations made by the Ministry of Energy and Environmental Protection of Ukraine, the state spent UAH 5bn (USD 186m) on import of electricity from Russia and Belarus. This was announced by the acting Minister of Energy Olha Buslavets, the press service of the department reports.

“What did it cost us? It cost us 1.5m tons of domestic coal that was not claimed, and it cost us UAH 5 billion hryvnias, which were sent not to our economy and not to our energy generating companies, but to our neighbors,” the message reads.

🔶Мінекоенерго розробить довготермінову концепцію розвитку вугільної галузі, – Ольга Буславец🔸Повний текст інтерв’ю…

Gepostet von Міністерство енергетики та захисту довкілля України am Montag, 11. Mai 2020

She emphasized that the import conditions were unfavorable for Ukraine.

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