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The American Command redirects its military forces from Belgium on their way to strategic locations in eastern Europe under the banner of Operation Atlantic Resolve to conduct a large-scale exercise in case of a war on the continent, – informed by Defence News.
A large military exercise Sabre Strike in Poland and the Baltics will be held on June 3-15, with 18,000 participants in it. America will transfer about 3,300 troops and 650 pieces of equipment, through transportation by road and rail, using inland waterways, which were never used for this purpose before.
The military forces will be located in Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and the Baltics. The redirection is considered as a full-scale exercises in case of a war on the continent.
The Operation Atlantic Resolve was carried by the Americans as a result of Russia’s aggressive actions against Ukraine in 2014.
As «The Journalist» earlier reported, the anti-tank guided missile systems Javelin, produced by the USA, and the Ukrainian Stugna were tested on the Ukrainian armed force testing ground.
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