American amphibious assault ship will hold exercises in the Black Sea


Open source
US amphibious assault ship USS Fort McHenry will spend three days in the Romanian port of Constanta and hold joint Exercises with Romanian Frigate King Ferdnand in Black Sea. This was reported by the press service of the Romanian Navy.

"After leaving the port on Thursday, January 10, the USS Fort McHenry and the frigate King Ferdinand will hold a series of joint training activities in the territorial waters of Romania and in the international waters of the Black Sea," the report said.

In turn, the representative of the US Navy Sixth Fleet, Kyle Raines, has stated that the presence of the American assault ship in the Black Sea does not violate international law.

“We regularly operating in the Black Sea in accordance with international law and the Montreux Convention and will continue to do so,” Raines said.

As The Journalist reported, Brazil decided to send troops to Fortaleza.

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