Ancient grave was found in center of Chernihiv (PHOTOS)

Photo Ihor Ihnatenko

Archaeologist Ihor Ihnatenko reported that the burial and remnants of buildings (11th – 12th centuries) had been discovered in the center of Chernihiv.

According to the archaeologist, most likely, there was a burial ground, possibly kurgan, at this place. Later, in the 13th century, residential or commercial buildings were located here.

Photo Ihor Ihnatenko

In addition, the archaeologists have found some coffin nails and a knife beside them as an indication of possible rich man’s burial place.

Фото: Ігор Ігнатенко

“Archaeological research on Pobedy Prospect attracted numerous admirers of antiquity. Such a rush was caused by several factors, that is, lack of fencing, human bones and proximity to the central market. The excavated burial site dates back to the 12th century. Traces of the fence and buildings of the same period have been found nearby”, the archaeologist emphasized.

Photo Ihor Ihnatenko

As reported by The Journalist that the site at the “Poshtova” where archaeological excavations were carried out in 2014-2017 became a monument of national importance.

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