Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine will check the «extremly expensive» prices in the Kiev hotels before the UEFA final


Photo: open sources

Territorial Department of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine (AMCU) began monitoring hotels in Kiev due to a sharp rise in prices before the Champions League final.

This was announced by the head of the Kiev regional territorial administration of the AMCU, Alexei Khmelnitsky, informed UNIAN.

«Fair competition should provide opportunities, rather than create obstacles. Because of the reports of an increasing hotel prices for the period of the Champions League final, the Kiev territorial office of the AMCU has launched an official monitoring of the hotel services in Kiev. As of this point, it’s too early to talk about a possible collusion or even starting a case – information is not enough», – Mr Khmelnitsky said.

He hoped that the prices will stabilize, thanks to the market mechanisms, because demand drives not only the price, but also the offer.

«Raising prices during sporting events is a common practice for market relations, but a rise on hundreds of percent is an abnormal situation», – he said.

As «The Journalist» reported, extremly increasing of the prices for the capital’s apartments on the eve of the Champions League in Kiev were recorded.

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