Scientists discover oldest footprints on Earth


Pfoto by BBC

Scientists discovered animal footprints, left about half a billion years ago in southern China’s Yangtze Gorges. This is reported by ВВС.

The parallel tracks left by an unknown creature were formed up to 546 million years and refer to the Ediacaran period. Accordingly, these are the most ancient footprints of a bilaterally symmetric animal that is known to science.

«At least three categories of animals have paired limbs. This is an arthropod, for example, bees; annelids, such as ringworms; and tetrapods, for example, people. It could be an Arthropods and annelids, or their ancestors», – one of the researchers said.

As «The Journalist» reported previously, Ukrainian archaeologists are conducting work in 30 kilometers from the line of delimitation.

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