British Parliament officially postponed Brexit

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The House of Commons of the British Parliament finally approved a law committing the British authorities to ask for a new postponement of Brexit. This is reported by The Guardian.

Some 309 deputies backed the bill, 81 voted against.

The law was developed by laborite Yvette Cooper and conservative Oliver Letwin. After the vote, Cooper thanked for assistance “in unusual and rapidly changing circumstances.” According to the Labor Party, this Parliament decision should be perceived as a lack of support from the deputies for no-deal Brexit.

Now the British Prime Minister Theresa May has to name the new deadline for the country’s withdrawal from the EU, then the parliament has to approve it, after which the request will be submitted to the European Union.

As you know, British Prime Minister Theresa May sent to the EU a request to postpone Brexit until June 30.

As The Journalist reported, the EU Parliament supported visa-free travel with Britain after Brexit.

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