Cabinet approves export of alcohol from Ukraine

Open source

The government has lifted a ban on export of ethyl alcohol from May 15. This was reported by the Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine on Facebook.

The government adopted amendments to decree No.1109, which allowed the export of ethyl alcohol from May 15, instead from June 1, as it was originally envisaged.

📌 Скорочено термін тимчасового обмеження на експорт етилового спирту13 травня рішенням Уряду прийнято зміни до…

Gepostet von Міністерство розвитку економіки, торгівлі та сільського господарства України am Mittwoch, 13. Mai 2020

This decision was explained by the ability of the enterprises of the alcohol industry to ensure the production of alcohol in the volumes necessary for Ukraine.

Read also: Ukrspyrt already supplied over 3 mln liters of alcohol for antiseptics production.

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