Two prisoners of Lukyanivska detention facility asked Putin to swap them for Ukrainian political prisoner


Photo from Liudmyla Denisova/Facebook

Two detainees of Lukyanivska Prison have written a request addressed to the President of the Russian Federation to return them to Russia by swapping for one of the Ukrainian political prisoners.

The Ukrainian Ombudsman Liudmyla Denisova posted this info on Facebook after meeting with the prisoners.

«During today’s monitoring visit to Lukyanivska detention facility I’ve met with Alexander Sattarov and Farukh Kamalov, who wrote a statement addressed to the President of the Russian Federation with a request to return them to the territory of Russia by exchanging for one of the Ukrainian political prisoners,» – the ombudsperson wrote.


Denisova noted that these letters will be sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, and then will be sent by diplomatic mail to the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, the Commissioner for Human Rights clarified that Ukraine had already submitted exchange lists to the Russian Federation. In July 5, a letter was sent to the representative of the Russian Federation to the Tripartite Contact Group, Boris Gryzlov, and the RF Human Rights Ombudsperson Tatyana Moskalkova.

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