American officials moved for typewriters because of hackers


Photo from open sources

In the US state of Alaska, the computer networks of the Matanuska-Susitna County were cyber-attacked using a virus-extortionist Ransomware, which encrypted the data and required compensation for their recovery, according to Bleeping Computer.

While employees did not restore the blocked systems, the administration staff had to use typewriters to print documents.

Virus attacked almost all computers of the district administration, internal systems and emergency servers. IT department said that even the telephone system and the door system were damaged.
Mass malfunctions occurred on July 24th, but the authorities told about them only now. For the first time, one of the elements of Ransomware was noticed as early as July 17th, but other elements could not be tracked.

Earlier «Journalist» reported that Ukrainian hackers were detained in the United States.

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