In the United States severe frosts killed five people


Photo: from open sources
Abnormal frosts in combination with snowfall led to the death of five people in the Midwest USA. About this reports Associated Press (AP).

It is known that one person died accidentally hitting a snowplow in the vicinity of Chicago (Illinois), the second froze to death in his garage in Milwaukee (Wisconsin). Two more people – a married couple – were victims of accidents in Indiana, and a 70-year-old resident of the suburb of Detroit (Michigan) died because he went out into the cold, dressed not for the weather.
According to the National Meteorological Service of the USA, on Wednesday the air temperature in Minneapolis (Minnesota) reached -33.3, and taking into account the wind, then -47.2 degrees. In Chicago, it was -30.6 (-45.6 taking into account the wind), in Milwaukee it reached -28.9 (-43.9 taking into account the wind).
As reported on the website FlightAware, tracking the movement of aircraft, snowfall and frost led on Wednesday, January 30, to cancel more than 2 thousand flights and delay about the same number of flights in the airports of the Midwest United States.
The air traffic to the two international airports in Chicago (Illinois) suffered the most.

Previously, the “Journalist” reported, that due to snowfall in France more than 40 are de-energized homes.

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