How do they call Santa Clauses in different countries of the world?


Photo: from open sources

In many countries of the world, familiar to us "Did Moriz" has interesting names, may differ in appearance, but all are symbols of the New Year holidays, reports 112.Ukraine.

Every country in the world has a kind old man who brings gifts for New Year.

Did Moriz
This is from the Soviet era. The creation of the canonical image of this New Year’s character dates back to the late 1930s. Depicted as an old man in a blue, red or white coat, with a long white beard and a staff in his hand, in felt boots. In Ukraine in recent years, there has been a slight decline in the popularity of Did Moriz in favor of St. Nicholas.
Santa Claus
The prototype of Santa Claus is St. Nicholas. The immigrants-Dutchmen “brought” Santa to America. Modern Santa invented in 1823 by Clement Clark Moore.
Finnish "Santa Claus"
Translated from Finnish means "Christmas goat". He has long hair and wears a high cone-shaped hat.
Per-Noel and Père Chalande
Per – Noel is kind and wears gifts to children. He is depicted in several versions: with a staff that looks like a bishop’s baton, and in a wide-brimmed hat or in a long red mantle, trimmed with white fur. Père Chalande is not so kind and carry in the basket a rod for disobedient and lazy children. He is a bearded old man, wearing a fur hat and a warm traveling cloak.
The predecessor of the modern Per-Noël first appeared on the modern territory of France
Babbo natale
Babbo Natale is practically no different from the American Santa Claus. This is a good bearded grandfather in a red jacket and red pantaloons, which rides a sleigh pulled by reindeer.
Looks like a friendly old man with a long white beard, in a red coat with white fur.

Old man with white beard and hair, in a red robe and a miter who rides a white horse. Sinterklaas has a large book, which describes gifts for all children, their names and addresses.
Tovlis Babua
It looks like a gray-haired old man with a long beard, dressed in black or white Chokha with a white burka. On the head is a traditional Svan hat. He brings gifts to the children in a big bag called khurdzhini.
Depicted as a short grandfather, with a long gray beard. He walks barefoot, without a cap, in a white casing. In his hand – an iron mace.
Note that in Bulgaria Did Moroz is Dyado Koleda, in Brazil – Pope Noel, in Hungary – Nikalaus or Telara, in Hawaii – Kanakaloka, in Israel – Sylvester, in Spain and Latin America – Pope Noel, in Poland – Saint Nicholas, in Portugal – Pai Natal, in Turkey – Noel Baba, in the Czech Republic and Slovakia – Ezhechek, in Estonia – Jyuluvana.

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