Kingdom of Belgium will create female Special Forces


Photos from open sources

In the Kingdom of Belgium, they plan to create female Special Forces. This was stated by State Defense Ministry, reports RTBF.

The operational unit should appear in late 2019 – early 2020. According to military experts, women are quite capable of doing this.

Belgian women were allowed to serve in the army in 1975. Nevertheless, 43 years later, they make up an insignificant number of military personnel, less than 8% of the 27 thousand actual military personnel in the country.
Moreover, among the officers, the proportion of women is higher – almost 14%, and Major General Lutgart Klaes has even headed the Royal Military Academy since last year.
It should be noted that since 2010, the recruitment of volunteers for urgent military service has been resumed in the Kingdom; its term is three years for soldiers and four for candidates for officers. During service, soldiers receive at least a base salary of € 21,094 per year minus tax.

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