Lyashko went into opposition to the “usurper Zelensky”

Photo from open sources

The chairman of the faction of Radical Party, Oleh Lyashko, said at an extraordinary meeting of Verkhovna Rada that Radical Party is going into opposition to the “usurper of Zelensky”.

According to the parliamentarian, President Volodymyr Zelensky “is treading on it (the Constitution – ed.) with his feet,” he takes “unconstitutional decisions that led to a constitutional crisis in a belligerent country.”

As Lyashko stressed, Zelensky is acting as ex-President Viktor Yanukovych, trying to “usurp power in the country”, using his high rating, writes Gordon.

As reported by “Journalist”, Lyashko initiated the collection of signatures on the unconstitutionality of the dissolution of the Rada.

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