German Economy Minister to visit Ukraine and Russia to discuss «Nord Stream-2»


Photo: open sources

Germany’s Minister of Economics and Energy Peter Altmeier will visit Ukraine and Russia to negotiate on the «Nord Stream-2» gas pipeline project.
The visit is planned on May 13-14 as reported by Deutsche Welle.

Peter Altmeyer will discuss energy and economic policy with his Russian and Ukrainian сolleaguess. In particular, the main topics of the meeting should be the future «Nord Stream-2» gas pipeline project and the discussion of Russian natural gas supplies to Europe via Ukraine as a transit country.

The topic of Altmayer’s visit to Moscow should be economic relations between Germany and Russia. The Minister of economy plans to take part in the preparation of the meeting of German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Russian President Vladimir Putin, to be held on May 18, in Sochi.

As «The Journalist» reported, Poroshenko will visit Germany to meet with Merkel, Macron, Tusk on May 9-10.

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