More than 32 thousand migrants worldwide died for the past 4 years

photo from open sources

In the 2014 – 2018 period more than 32 thousand migrants died or went missing.

According to The Voice of America, the largest number of deaths occurred on the way from North Africa to Europe through the Mediterranean.

According to the UN Migration Agency, information gathered around the world underestimates the true extent of the problem, since many cases of migrants’ death are never reported, and many bodies are never found.

The statistics show that there is a deadly risk for hundreds of thousands of refugees and migrants who go on a journey in search of protection or a better life.

For 4 years, about 18 thousand people died or disappeared in the Mediterranean. The bodies of almost 2/3 of these victims have not been found.

It is also known that during this period about 1.6 thousand children died or went missing, on average, approximately one per day.

The researchers point out that the real extent of this tragedy remains unknown, since in many cases the death of the migrant children is not recorded anywhere.

As The Journalist reported, 147 illegal immigrants rescued off Libya’s west coast.

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