Man risked kayak crossing the Black Sea for the second time and again almost died (PHOTO)


Photo: Maritime search and rescue service of Ukraine

A man who tried to cross the Black Sea in a sailing kayak was rescued near Odessa, reports the press service of the state enterprise «Marine Search and Rescue Service»(MSRS).

On Saturday, June 23rd, at about 6 pm the captain-coordinator of the MSRS received a message stating that a man on a sailing kayak is suffering distress almost two kilometers from the coast. It is noted that the boat lost its steering and was carried to the open sea.

In the search operation rescue boat «PRK-02» was involved, which, despite unfavorable weather conditions and a storm went to sea to save a person.
At 7.48 p.m. the rescuers found and brought aboard the victim and safely delivered him ashore.

As it turned out, the rescued man already had experience of risky trips to the sea. It is noted that last year he made an unsuccessful attempt to cross the Black Sea in a kayak with a sail.

As reported by the «Journalist»in the Ivano-Frankivsk region, lightning struck a kayak floating on the river, as a result of which a Polish tourist died.

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