19-year-old paratrooper died in the Donbass, Ukraine


Photo: from the open sources

In the zone of Operation of the United Forces, near the settlement of Avdeevka, a 19-year-old paratrooper Alexander Mikityuk was killed, – posted journalist Victoria Mikityuk on Facebook.

19-year-old soldier of the 95th Airborne Assault Brigade Alexander Mikityuk was killed on the front line. The deceased was a native of White Rukav village (Vinnytsia region, Ukraine).

«The lost countryman Alexander Mikityuk … a paratrooper was killed near Avdeevka. He just turned 19», – said in the post.

This information was confirmed by the Voluntary Fund «Come back alive».
Earlier «The Journalist» reported a ukrainian border guard was killed during the training shooting.

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