A large-scale action in support of Oleg Sentsov was held at the NSC Olympic (VIDEO)


Video fragment
On the evening, July 2 in Kiev, a thousand people gathered at the Olimpiyskiy National Sports Complex to support the Ukrainian filmdirector Oleg Sentsov, who is illegally held in prison in Russia and has gone on a hunger strike for 50 days demanding to release all Ukrainian political prisoners in Russia.
The performance was organized by the public organizations «Association of fans of Crimea» and «Creative Association # BABYLON’13» activists.
People sat down in the central stands of the stadiumб shouting slogans «Freedom to Oleg Sentsov», «Crimea is Ukraine», «One for all and all for one!», «Glory to Ukraine!».
Than, they placed a large banner «Oleg Sentsov, Ukraine with you!» in the stands. When the lights in NSC Olympic went out, activists lit the fire to illuminate the banner.
Some Ukrainian politicians, ministers, well-known public figures and volunteers joined the action. Many young people and children with their parents came to the event.
For more details on the action, watch in the story of «The Journalist».

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