Khmelnitsky Spetskommuntrans head personally poisons homeless dogs (VIDEO 18+)


Photo: Olena Golubnicha / Facebook

Surveillance camera of one of sleeping districts in Khmelnitsky recorded, as head of city service of Special Transport Ministry fed the poisoned food to stray dogs. As it became known, one animal died during the following days in terrible agony.
Zoo-defenders note that the incident occurred on Trudova Street near Tetra enterprise. Video shows how the official, whose name Vladislav Medlyakovskiy, allegedly drinks coffee on a bench. Next to him at this time are three dogs. Taking advantage of the moment and looking around, the official, thinking that he is acting without witnesses, takes small pieces of sausages with poison out of a glass and throws «delicacy» to animals.




As a volunteer of the local animal protection organization «Vryatuy Zhittya» told Journalist, one of the dogs died in terrible agony at a veterinary clinic. A well-known doctor in Khmelnytskiy oblast, a veterinary medicine doctor, professor, Kyryl Chumakov, struggled in vain to save her life.

«I, the doctor of veterinary medicine, Chumakov Kyryl Anatolivych, now at one o’clock am writing this appeal, as I am outraged by the events in our hometown! Until late at night, I personally and our doctors, at the cost of my health and time taken from our families, save poisoned homeless and pets! Today I saw a video in which employees of Special Transport are poisoning two dogs, which I personally saved two days ago in a veterinary clinic! One worker turned out to be not someone else, but the acting director of the shelter! I, Chumakov Kyryl Anatolivych, demand from law enforcement officers to bring all the perpetrators to justice and ask the media to immediately react to this incident! And I demand that the mayor of our city immediately release these dog hunters, who today represent power, from their posts!!!», – commented on his Facebook page the fact killing homeless dogs doctor Chumakov.

In addition, during the examination of the body of the deceased animal, the veterinarian found that the animals had died from the same drug that had poisoned hundreds of dogs before this incident.
At the same time, Medlyakovskiy himself denies that he was in the specified place at the time of poisoning of stray dogs.

However, mayor of the city, Oleksandr Semchishin, has already responded to the call of veterinary doctor Chumakov and activists of Vryatuy Zhittya organization, who assured the public that he had already instructed to dismiss the official.

Further steps regarding the action of dog hunter are the zoo defenders waiting from the police and demanding that the fiend be criminalized for the crime.

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