OSCE: Ukraine’s intention to bar Russian observers from monitoring presidential elections is contrary to country’s commitments


Open source

Director of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, Ingibjörg Sólrún Gísladóttir, says that Ukraine’s intention to bar Russian observers from monitoring the presidential elections is contrary to the country’s commitments to the OSCE.

According to a report on the OSCE website, Gisladotir regrets the decision of the Ukrainian authorities to prohibit Russian citizens from participating in the mission of Office for Democratic Institutions and HR observers who will observe the presidential elections in Ukraine.

In a letter to Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the ODIHR Director also expressed her deep disappointment at the passing today by the parliament of a law that would formalize such a restriction.

“The decision to deny the possibility of accreditation to citizens of one participating State is without precedent and contravenes commitments made by all participating States to invite observers from any other OSCE participating States that may wish to observe election proceedings to the extent permitted by law…" the OSCE / ODIHR Director wrote.

As The Journalist reported, Ukraine’s MFA not to register Russian observers at presidential elections.

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