Olga Bohomolets: «Black transplantology» has come to an end in Ukraine


Photo from open sources

Deputy, chairman of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Health Issues, as well as one of the initiators of the bill on amending certain legislative acts of Ukraine on health protection and organ transplantation and other anatomical materials Olga Bohomolets on her Facebook page stated that «while personal meeting, the President of Ukraine announced that he had signed the law on transplantation, passed by the parliament on May 17th this year».

«Finally more than 5000 Ukrainians who need transplantation of organs and materials every year have a chance for life. And for 200 million UAH, which we pay to Belarus for the treatment of our children, we will be able to cure four times as many small patients at home», the People’s Deputy noted.
According to Bohomolets, unidentified persons who died from violent death and in the ATO / JFO zone, as well as orphans, cannot become donors. Only individuals who gave written consent for postmortem donation can become donors, or if a person does not leave any will, his nearest relatives can make a decision about it.

«Finally, the transplantation will be 100% funded by the state, and this finally pushes the soil out from under the feet of «black transplantologists», the deputy has stressed.

«The Journalist» reported that The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has passed a law on organ transplantation.

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