Pope officially changed the text of the “Lord’s Prayer”

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Pope Francis has changed the line in the “Lord’s Prayer”, as he stated that the English translation of the prayer means that God leads us to the temptation. Daily Mail reports about it.

As it is noted, in the new version of the prayer, the phrase “lead us not into temptation” (non indurci in tentazione) will be substituted by “do not let us fall into temptation” (non abandon arcialla tentazione). This option is closer in meaning to the French version of the “Lord’s Prayer”.

“This is Satan who leads us to temptations. It is his department”, said the successor of St. Peter in 2017.

Francis also approved changes to The Gloria from ‘Peace on earth to people of good will’ to ‘Peace on Earth to people beloved by God.’

Noteworthy, the innovation was made after 16 years of research conducted by the Biblical scholars. It corrects what they think was an error.

Previously The Journalist reported that the Pope invited Ukrainian priests to Vatican.

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