Poroshenko for the second time appealed to presidential candidate Zelensky to come to debate (VIDEO)

Open source

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has appealed to presidential candidate Volodymyr Zelensky with a call to come to the debate, and to announce the main positions on governing the country in the next five years.

Poroshenko’s video message is available on his Facebook page.

“Volodymyr Oleksandrovych, do not look for reasons, put forward conditions. And do not hide behind anyone’s back. That’s ugly. Be a man. Come to the debate. If it’s the stadium, let it be the stadium. I’m waiting,” Poroshenko said.

Будьте мужиком, приходьте на дебати.

Володимире Олександровичу,не шукайте причин і не ставте умов. І ніким не прикривайтеся. Це – некрасиво. Будьте мужиком.Приходьте на дебати. Стадіон, так стадіон.Я чекаю!

Gepostet von Петро Порошенко am Donnerstag, 4. April 2019

As The Journalist reported, Poroshenko agrees to hold debates with Zelensky at Kyiv’s Olympiyskiy Stadium.

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