Poroshenko signed law on changing the subordination of religious organizations


Open source

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko signed off Law “On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine regarding the subordination of religious organizations and the procedure for state registration of religious organizations with the status of legal entities,”

This was reported by the press service of the head of state.

The law, which was adopted by parliament on January 17, provides for mechanisms that will establish how exactly a religious organization could change its subordination to the religious centers (departments) operating in Ukraine and abroad.

The law establishes that decisions to change the subordination and make appropriate changes or additions to the statute shall be approved by at least two-thirds of its authorized members of a religious community at a general meeting.

The decision to change the subordination and make the appropriate changes or additions to the charter shall be certified by the signatures of the members of the religious community.

According to the law, the decision to change the subordination and make the appropriate changes to the charter is subject to registration in accordance with the procedure established by Article 14 of the Law "On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations."

As The Journalist reported, the Russian authorities allocated an additional USD 350 million to destabilize the situation in Ukraine.

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