Poroshenko: Russian Orthodox Church and Russian troops have nothing to do in Ukraine


Photos from open sources

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko said that the Russian Orthodox Church and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have nothing to do in Ukraine.

Poroshenko noted that being on a visit to Istanbul, signed an agreement with the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew on cooperation and collaboration between Ukraine and the Ecumenical Patriarchate, «which is a document supporting the creation of a single local Orthodox church in Ukraine».
According to the head of state, after the unifying Council and the election of the primate, the Ukrainian church will receive Tomos with confirmation of its spiritual independence.

«Russian Orthodox Church is an element of the Russian political system. Putin himself once said that Russia rests on the ROC and on nuclear weapons. Is this normal when the Kremlin’s security council meets under the chairmanship of Putin and is considering the issue of church policy in Ukraine?!», the president reproached.
«My dear, you have nothing to do here. There is nothing to do to your church, nothing to do to your Armed forces, nothing to do to your arms. Home to Russia», said the head of the Ukrainian state.

As The «Journalist» reported Kremlin relies on the pro-Russian forces in Ukraine in the elections in 2019.

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