The Netherlands Prosecutor will turn to Shoygu to interrogate the servicemen of the RF, connected with the crash of MH17


Open source

Chief prosecutor of the Netherlands Fred Westerbeke, who is investigating air crash of Malaysian Boeing 777 (flight MN17) in Donbas, said that the investigation has reliable information, that points to the several suspects in a plane crash.

«We fully use our capabilities, but we work in difficult conditions. We sent data to the Russia and we waiting for the answer: was the 53rd Brigade really involved in Donbas? Who was involved in the transportation?», – reported «Novaya Gazeta», citing the prosecutor Fred Westerbeke

At the same time, Mr Westerbeke expressed doubts of possibility to interrogate the officers and soldiers of the 53rd Brigade, and in this case, they will have to contact directly to the Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoygu.

As «The Journalist» reported, Australia will provide $ 50.3 million for the investigation of the MH17 plane crash.

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