First ten electronic sites for small-scale privatization were accredited


Photo from open sources

State Enterprise «Prozorro Sales» has granted accreditation to the first ten electronic sites for small-scale privatization, the press service of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine.

As noted by director of the state enterprise «Prozorro Sales» Alexii Sobolev, site operators conducted a huge technical work in a very short time.
The next step of the small privatization program is the publication of lists of all sale objects and the announcement of the first auctions, added to the Ministry of Economic Development.

Accreditation for the sale of the site was obtained by the sites « State procurement. Online», «Electronic auction of Ukraine», «Perspectiva-Commodity», «Katerynoslavska», scientific and industrial enterprise «Information technologies», «National electronic exchange», «Birzha. Online», «25 hours», «Network of public auctions», «Innex».

As «Journalist» reported the Ministry of Economic Development of Ukraine is preparing to sell the first objects of small privatization.

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