The employees of the Zhytomyrsʹkyy Oblavtodor blocked the international route Kiev-Chop, requesting unpaid wages


Open source

On June 25, in the Pulinsky district of the Zhytomyr region, employees of the Oblavtodor blocked the traffic on the route of international importance Kiev-Chop due to wage arrears.

For about 30 minutes protesters walked on a pedestrian crossing, demanding payment of their salary arrears, which they did not receive since March this year, UNIAN reported.

In the result of the protest, on the road was formed a one kilometer long traffic jam. The first deputy head of the Road Service in the Zhitomir region Serhiy Zaika arrived to the protesters. He listened to their demands, explained them the situation, and assured that this issue would be resolved at the highest level.

Protesters warned that they would repeat the action in early July, if the salary arrears would not be paid off in the near future.

As «The Journalist» reported, Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry promises to pay miners debts on wages by the end of the year.

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