Activists of the «National Corps» picket the «Inter» TV channel


Photo: Sergey Shcherbina

This morning, May 9, 40-50 representatives of the Andriy Biletsky far-right party «National Corps» gathered at the entrance of the «Inter» TV channel building.

This was posted by Sergey Shcherbina on Facebook.

Activists installed the National Corps tent. As reported by «», the representatives of the National Corps said they block «Inter» to prevent a TV-translation of a concert in honor of the Victory Day.

Radicals from the «National Corps» (Azov) are gathered near the «Inter» building. National Corps already announced on its telegram channel the «clashes with separatists» on May 9, throughout Ukraine.

«Inter» announced the concert dedicated to the Victory Day, which will be transmit on May 9.

As «The Journalist» reported, nationalists want to hold an action with portraits of the division SS "Galicia".

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