The Russian Federation sponsors terrorism and applies torture to detained Ukrainians


Open source

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Pavlo Klimkin, stated that Russia consciously sponsors terrorism in the occupied Ukrainian territories and applies torture to detained Ukrainians.

Mr Klimkin said this at a joint briefing with the head of the Security Service of Ukraine Vasyl Hrytsak. In his report to the representatives of the diplomatic corps, the Minister stated on the crimes conducted by the Russian Federation, as well as its occupation administration in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, in particular applying tortures against hostages and illegally detained persons.

According to the minister, on the eve of the day dedicated to victims of torture, it is important to understand and to prove «inhumanity of the occupiers, including to prove juridically», UNIAN reported.

«It is very important to understand what happened, in order to prevent it happen again. And it is very important to show the responsibility of Russia as a country that consciously sponsors terrorism and applying tortures, and those persons who participate in it», – Klimkin stressed.

As «The Journalist» reported, UN representative reports on torture in Ukraine.

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