Train Kyiv-Minsk-Vilnius-Rigawill be launched this September


Photo from open sources

The passenger train of the «four capitals» on the route Kyiv-Minsk-Vilnius-Riga will be launched from September 28 this year, Ukrainian Minister of Infrastructure Volodymyr Omelyan said in Lviv.

«Last year’s plans, which was agreed in Lithuania, produced a result this year. We have a train of four capitals (Riga-Vilnius-Minsk-Kyiv), which starts on September 28th from Kyiv», the press service of Mininfrastruktury quotes Omelyan.

The Minister noted that the entry into force of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union has become an additional impetus for the activation of the Ukrainian-Lithuanian bilateral trade cooperation.

«We will have direct air communication between Vilnius and Lviv and a number of other promising projects. The trade turnover between the two countries is growing rapidly: according to the results of 2017, the growth is almost 40% and there is a further increase», Omelyan said.

In turn, the Minister of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania, Virginius Sinkevičius, noted that cooperation with Ukraine has good prospects.

As reported by «Journalist» «Ukrzaliznytsya» launches an additional train «Kyiv – Odessa».

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