Sluga Narody and Golos political parties support incineration plants construction in Ukraine

Open source

The Sluga Narody and Golos political parties voiced building waste incinerators as one of their priorities. It is written in the article “From Russian Gas to Ukrainian Waste: What to Expect from the New Verkhovna Rada in Energy and Ecology spheres”. Evropeiska Pravda writes about it.

The need to build a waste incineration plant is explained by the practice which is actively used in some EU countries, but still remains unpopular in Ukraine. One of its reasons is the resistance of the citizens.

In its turn, the Batkivshchyna political party opposes the above initiative.

“We cannot allow any stimulation of burning garbage, except for sorted remnants”, emphasized in the party.

Previously, The Journalist reported Kyiv would export to Poland about 60 tons of waste batteries for disposal.

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