Special containers for separate garbage collection will appear in Kyiv soon

photo from open sources

In the nearest future special containers for separate garbage collection are going to be installed in Kyiv, said Deputy Chairman of the KSCA Petro Pantelieev.

According to him, the companies dealing with garbage collection in the capital, approved the initiative of the authorities to install appropriate containers. Separate garbage collection will be introduced gradually and as early as in June-July.

“The approximate quantity is up to 3 thousand special containers for dry fractions. We will inform people by posting announcements at the entrances, with a flyer for each apartment. It is important to ensure intensive collection of those special containers to avoid them being full. In that case people have to put their waste into a usual container. Thus, it has no sense,” said Pantelieev.

As it is noted, 5 sorting lines will be launched this July in the capital.

“The city carriers will take the garbage to the sorting lines followed by the remains to be dumped or incinerated”, the KSCA deputy head explained.

As The Journalist reported, deep garbage sorting station to be open in Vinnytsia.

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