State Statistics Service: almost every fifth Ukrainian works informally

Open source

Prime Minister of Ukraine Oleksiy Honcharuk said that the government has launched a campaign to eliminate shadow labor market in order to provide Ukrainians with civilized working conditions.

“According to the State Statistics Service, almost every fifth Ukrainians works informally. Most of all in agriculture, wholesale and retail, construction, transport and courier sectors. These workers are not protected. The Government launched a campaign to eliminate the shadow  labor market. It is not only paying taxes or filling the budget. This is, first and foremost, the creation of decent working conditions, guaranteeing employees the observance of their rights and social guarantees,” the Prime Minister said.

According to Honcharuk, most often entrepreneurs do not register their economic activity, employ people without informally, hide part-time work and wages, register employment in the guise of other forms, such as bogus self-employment, etc.

Thus, the State Labor Service has already carried out the first stage of measures to curtail the shadow labor market. In particular, an information campaign was held from January 20 to January 31. 600 labor inspectors visited and conducted explanatory work to more than 180,000 employers in the trade sector. The representatives of the Pension Fund, the State Tax Service (STS), the State Employment Service, and local governments were engaged in the 56,000 of such cases.

“The result of such an active information campaign was that in two weeks in January this year alone, the STS received 107,100 reports of signing employment contracts with 202,000 employees. In total, the overall dynamics of employment in the areas where the information campaign was conducted increased by 25.8% compared to January 2019,” the head of government said.

The Cabinet also intends to create 200,000 new legal jobs this year, and over 5 years – 1 million.

“The goal of our government for the year 2020 is plus 200 thousand new legal jobs and reducing the average job search time from 3.6 to 2 months. Over 5 years – 1 million jobs,” the Prime Minister said.

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