Court did not permit Nasirov to leave for health treatment abroad


Open source

Today, June 15, Shevchenkovskiy District Court of Kyiv considered the case on the indictment in criminal proceedings against the former head of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine Roman Nasirov.

As the press service of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (SAPO), informs, during the meeting the defense party petitioned for the Nasirov ‘s departure abroad for treatment.

«The court, taken into account the arguments given by the SAPO prosecutors, refused to satisfy the petition», – the message said.

At the same time, the court granted the prosecution’s request to extend the procedural duties to the accused for two months.

It is noted that because of the long lasting consideration of the application for extending the procedural duties, the prosecutor could not read a single page of the indictment.

Prosecutors of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office, on the demand of the defense, began on December 7, 2017, to read out the full text of the indictment, consisting of 774 pages, 245 of which have already been read.

As «The Journalist» reported, Nasirov wants through the court to recover the post of the head of the GFS and get money for «forced absenteeism».

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