Open source
District Administrative Court of the city of Kyiv opened proceedings against the Kyiv City Council in the case on raising travel fare in urban transport: in the metro, bus, tram, trolley, funicular and in the city train.
As the press service of the court reported, the case is scheduled for consideration in the preparatory meeting for August 16. The plaintiffs in this administrative lawsuit are MPs Serhij Kaplin, Petro Tigunov and Serhij Yurchik .
«They ask the court to recognize new tariffs as unlawful and cancel the order of the executive body of the Kyiv City Council (Kyiv City State Administration) «On the establishment of tariffs for the transportation of passengers and the cost of travel tickets in urban passenger transport operating in the normal traffic mode,» – the message stated.
As «The Journalist» reported, the cost of travel rises to all types of public transport in Kiev.
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