Trump announces US withdrawal from Iran nuclear deal


Photo: open sources

US President Donald Trump on Tuesday announced the US withdrawal from the nuclear deal with Iran.

US administration must decide – to continue to support the agreement or to resume sanctions against Iran before the May 12 deadline, reported by «Radio Svoboda».

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said the Iran will resolutely resist US pressure to limit Tehran’s influence in the region and that the USA will “regret” the decision to withdraw from the nuclear agreement.

Trump named Iran the main sponsor of terror in the world.

«The Iranian regime is the leading sponsor of terror. Tehran exports dangerous missiles, foments conflicts throughout the Middle East and supports the terrorists and militants from Hezbollah, Hamas, Taliban and Al-Qaeda groups», – Trump said.

The US President stated that Iran and its accomplices «bombed American embassies and military facilities, killed hundreds of US souldiers and abducted, imprisoned and tortured American citizens» for many years.

As «The Journalist» reported, the dissolution of the nuclear agreement with Iran can cause the war.

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