Turchynov called Russia’s statement that claimed «Buk», which shot down MH17, was Ukrainian as «another unsuccessful fake»

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Photo: УНIАН

The Secretary of the Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov has called the statement of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, that claimed the «Buk» (anti-aircraft missile system, that shot down the Malaysian airliner MH17) was Ukrainian as «the next unfortunate fake» reports
Ukrainska pravda.

According to Turchinov, by such statements the Kremlin is trying to hide the crime committed by him (which was proved by investigators and independent international experts).

Recall, the Malaysian Boeing-777 MH17 flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, carrying 298 passengers, was shot down in Donetsk Oblast in July 17, 2014. All passengers and crew members died.


As The Journalist reported before the father who lost three children at the Boeing 777 disaster over Donbas, wrote a truthful letter to Trump

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