Scientists from the University of Haifa discovered an unusual ancient image of Jesus Christ (PHOTOS)


Photo: Antiquity

Scientists from the University of Haifa found a portrait of Jesus Christ adorning the ceiling of an ancient baptismal in the south of modern Israel. This is one of the oldest images of this kind, and it is not very similar to how Christ is usually depicted. This is reported in the article Antiquity magazine.

Although the red pigment on the baptismal wall in the Shivta National Park, which includes the ruins of an ancient city, was discovered as early as the 1920s, the image quality was so poor that it still did not attract attention.
The baptismal church refers to the South Church, built in 350 AD. Researchers have noticed that some lines form the shape of the eye completely by accident. Then they studied the position of the remaining lines and made a rough sketch of the image that was once on the wall – the smoothly chinned face of a young man with a long nose and curly hair.

According to historians, the ancient artist depicted Jesus Christ on the day of his baptism. Other traces of pigment were found around – probably other religious figures were depicted there. In particular, earlier the image of a more adult Christ was discovered here.

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