Scientists have determined that eating fish reduces mortality from all causes


Still-life: A.P. Nikiforov «Smoked fish».

Scientists from Zhejiang University have determined that eating fish and other products rich in omega-3-polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) is associated with a reduction in mortality from all causes, both in men and women. Scientific work is published in Journal of Internal Medicine.

A group of scientists led by Jingjin Jiao analyzed data on nutrition and health of 421,309 people (240,729 men and 180,580 women).

On average, people were under observation for 16 years. During this time, 54 thousand men died from various causes and almost 31 thousand – women, while consumption of large quantities of fish and omega-3-PUFAs was associated with reduced mortality. Scientists estimated that men who consumed the most, on average, died 10% less from cardiovascular diseases and 37% less often from liver diseases.
As for women, among fish lovers, there were 38% fewer deaths from Alzheimer’s disease.

Earlier «Journalist» reported that processed meat and sweets provoke cancer.

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