Ukraine and Moldova may conclude an agreement on crossing the state border on ID-cards


Photo: from open sources

Ukraine and Moldova are exploring the possibility of concluding an agreement on crossing the state border on the basis of internal passports in the form of ID cards that contain a contactless electronic carrier.

According to the Department of Consular Service of the MFA of Ukraine in the social network Facebook, in Chisinau bilateral consultations were held at level of heads of consular services of Ukraine and Moldova.

«During the negotiations, a wide range of issues of a consular nature was considered in the context of protecting the rights and interests of citizens of both countries. The analysis of legal framework of bilateral relations in the consular sphere and the prospects for its expansion was carried out. The parties also discussed the possibility of concluding an agreement on the crossing of the Ukrainian-Moldovan state border by citizens of both countries on the basis of ID-cards and the issues of combating trafficking in persons, including minor children», the message reads.

As The Journalist reported, the Ukrainian Ombudsman signed a memorandum of cooperation with her colleague from Moldova.

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