Ukraine reports 2 WIAs in Donbas over past day

Open source

As of June 29, the situation in Donbas remained tense – the militants violated the silence regime 12 times. As a result of enemy attacks, two Ukrainian soldiers were reported as wounded in action, according to the Joint Forces Operation (JFO) HQ.

The enemy, among other weapons, resorted to anti-tank missile systems, mortars, grenade launchers, as well as sniper weapons. Units of the Joint Forces conducted an active defense and gave an adequate response to the enemy.

Under the enemy fire came JF positions near Khutir Vilniy: occupiors launched two attacks here using anti-tank systems. The enemy also opened fire near Krymske, Luhanske, Pivdenne, Berezove, Starohnativka and in vicinity of Marjinka.

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Gepostet von Операція об'єднаних сил / Joint Forces Operation am Montag, 29. Juni 2020

Donbas war: Ukraine reports two WIAs amid enemy attacks near Krymske.

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