Ukraine’s Cabinet approves popularization strategy for Ukrainian language

Open source

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has approved the strategy of popularization of the Ukrainian language “Strong language – a successful state” until 2030.

The decision was made at a government meeting on July 17, according to the Ministry of Culture.

The document was adopted in order to ensure the unity of Ukrainian society and to strengthen its Ukrainian identity, the approval of the Ukrainian language throughout Ukraine.

The strategy defines the goals, strategic aspirations and main tasks, which implement the state language policy, and covers almost all spheres of public life. This will enhance the prestige and credibility of the state language, the formation of a comfortable and functional Ukrainian-speaking environment for entire Ukraine’s population throughout its territory, as well as create conditions for meeting the language needs of Ukrainians living abroad.

Read more: Servant of the People party has no decision to revise Language Law yet – Razumkov.

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