Ukraine’s minister Fedorov: 3 million Ukrainians installed Diya mobile app

Open source

Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov on his Telegram channel said that the Diya application was downloaded 3 million times.Telegram-канале Федорова.

However, he noted that the app was launched three months ago.

“In total, Diya application was installed 3 million times so far. Just this application, not including authorized users and related products. Exactly 3 months have passed since the launch of the product,” the message reads.

However, the application has a number of problems, namely, poor quality of data in the registries, because earlier, according to him, “database was subject of making money and now we have to double-check it”. In addition, there were cases “when the application did not display property information correctly, and some government or business agencies does not accept an electronic document”.

Read also: Ukraine postpones mobile app Diya presentation.

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