The Crimean Human Rights Group reports that the aggressor state is jamming Ukrainian radio stations in the occupied Crimea. Received data is based on the results of the monitoring conducted in March-April 2019.
It is noted that the Russian Federation completely or partially jamming the signal of seven Ukrainian radio stations in 20 settlements across the northern part of the peninsula. The Ukrainian signal is jammed by Russian radio stations.
The observers checked the frequencies of the Army FM, Radio Krym Realii, Radio NV, UA Radio Promin (UA:PBC), Meydan FM, Perets FM,Stylne, UA Radio Kultura (UA:PBC) Ukrainian radio stations, which have permission to broadcast on the territory Crimea. It is noted that the monitoring was conducted in Nadezhdino, Krasnoarmiyske, Vishnevka, Krepkoe, Tankove, Proletarka and Krasnoperekopsk.
As The Journalist reported, law enforcement officers exposed a criminal organization that recruited Ukrainians to transport illegal immigrants.
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