Ukrainian tourists stranded in Tel Aviv airport

Ïàññàæèðû â òåðìèíàëå D íà òåððèòîðèè àýðîïîðòà "Áîðèñïîëü", 15 èþíÿ 2016 ã. Ôîòî Ãîíòàð Âëàäèìèð / ÓÍÈÀÍ

Open source

Ukrainian tourists stranded at the Ben-Gurion International Airport. Because of the flight delay of the Yanair Airlines. This is reported by «», citing the information received from one of the passenger.

«At first the flight was delayed for four hours with no explanation of the reason. Air carrier said that the boarding will begin at 10:45 p.m., but this did not happen. We have been sitting at the airport for six hours. Nobody even apologized, nobody provide to us any information except the flight will be delayed for another six hours», – the message said.

For all the time of flight delays, passengers were treated to a sandwich and tea. They noted that people, who demand explanations and compensation, are banned on the air carrier official Facebook page.
As «The Journalist» reported earlier, several thousand Ukrainian tourists can not fly from the Kiev airport.

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