Ukroboronprom, Turkey’s ASFAT sign memorandum

Photo by Ukroboronprom press service

Ukroboronprom and representatives of the Turkish Ministry of Defense Corporation ASFAT have signed a memorandum defining the principles for exporting Ukrainian military products to Turkey and the joint production of weapons and equipment, the press service of the concern said.

The document defines the principles for exporting products of the Ukrainian military and industrial complex to Turkey, as well as the transfer of technologies for the development and creation of high-precision weapons.

In addition, the memorandum provides for the possibility of joint activities for the production of precision weapons and other weapons, as well as military equipment.

У рамках міжнародної оборонної виставки IDEF-19, що відбувається у Стамбулі, генеральний директор ДК "Укроборонпром"…

Gepostet von Державний концерн "Укроборонпром" am Donnerstag, 2. Mai 2019

The Turkish side expressed interest in the purchasing of gas turbine engines manufactured by Zorya-Mashproekt (which is part of Ukroboronprom) for Turkey’s naval ships.

Joint projects for the supply of Ukrainian gas-generating units to Turkey were also have been discussed.

As The Journalist reported, Spetstekhnoeksport signed contract for supply anti- tank missiles to Turkey.

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