Ukroboronprom will change its financial plans due to coronavirus

Open source

The general director of the state-owned concern Ukroboronprom, Aivaras Abromavichus, has said that the coronavirus and the drop in indices on the main stock markets will make adjustments to the financial activities of the concern, UNIAN reports.

“Even before the coronavirus outbreak, even before the financial crisis that continues in the world, we had expected a 30% increase in exports and sales. But we are already seeing adjustments. All the exhibitions that we had to go to, in Qatar, in Malaysia, are now canceled,” the Director General said.

Abromavicius said that negative trends in the world will affect the supply of foreign components for goods of the domestic defense industry.

Orders for air transportation of non-standard cargoes, which are performed by Antonov, can also be significantly reduced. At the same time, the enterprises of the concern in January-February showed an increase in production by 3%.

As The Journalist reported, France allocates EUR 900,000 to improve management of Ukroboronprom.

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